Name : Sage Watson
Procedure : Upper Arch All-on-4, Lower Arch Partial
Fundraiser Goal : $28,000
Raised To Date : $0
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Sage works hard to care for her children while her husband is away in the military for months at a time, and she cannot afford the procedures she needs to repair her smile. Getting the treatment she needs would completely transform her life.Sage used to enjoy running, and she even trained to run marathons, but her mouth is so sensitive that physical activity makes her mouth throb with discomfort. Her diet has also changed because of her missing teeth. New dental implants would allow her to eat the foods she used to enjoy, such as salad, apples, and carrots, once again.
Sage has always had problems with her teeth, no matter what preventive steps she took for her oral health. Even as early as age three, she remembers going to the dentist to have little silver crowns put in. Her teeth were always fragile and prone to breaking, and after she had her children, her oral health declined even further. After complications with her pregnancies, the family was left with debt from medical bills, but the health of her children was her top priority. This left no money for Sage’s dental care. Now all of her molars and some of her front teeth are either broken or missing completely.
Her dental situation has also affected other areas of her life. She used to be a school teacher, but now the idea of speaking in front of a crowd seems almost impossible. Now that her kids are growing up, Sage wants to pursue a new career, but she finds it difficult to put herself out there because of the state of her mouth. Her self-esteem has suffered because of her smile, and she doesn’t even like her family seeing her without her partial denture in place.
Sage thinks that teeth shouldn’t be such a big deal, but she has found that her teeth really hold her back. She works hard for her family and tries to achieve as much as she can, but being powerless over the way people perceive her has taken a toll on her confidence. She wants and deserves a smile that matches her beautiful personality. Donating to her cause will bring her one step closer to a beautiful, pain-free smile.